Dog Training Basics On Aggression

When it comes to dogs or maybe any other animals, there are always room left for aggression, so here we are not going ignore it but instead were gonna talk about it, yea, this is dog training basics on aggression behavior to be precise... Were all familiar with basic dog training commands. Were speaking about "sit", "stay", "heel", and so on. These fundamentals are not convenient skills; theyre the foundation of a lifelong relationship together with your dog. They set the tone for the remainder of your dogs life.
Canines that are trained properly - were speaking about positive reinforcement techniques - assume their role as the lesser pack dog. Lowest on the totem pole. Canines are social animals with a hierarchy.

Dog Aggression Training Fundamentals

Dog Training Basics On AggressionIts important for their safety and yours that you are thought about the alpha dog. This isnt accomplished with choke collars, yelling, and physical dominance but a structured surroundings where behaviors signal that youre in charge. This means the dog is greeted last, fed last, and not allowed in the bedroom and so on.

When it comes to training, it means setting boundaries. For example, teaching your dog early on what theyre allowed to chew on and what isnt appropriate. This is basically accomplished by basically replacing an unacceptable item like a shoe, book, hand or even the furniture with a bone or toy.
Dog Training Basics On Aggression
Says Fisher, "Sit and stay are important however of my favourite commands is the settle down command." With this command you have your dog on a leash, you have it lie down beside you, and you put the leash under your foot so that if the puppy tries to get up, it self-corrects it.
Dog Training Basics On Aggression
It takes diligence on your part, patience and constant supervision however its important to teach your dog what can and cannot be chewed on. In the event you fail to set these simple boundaries youll finish up with a house filled with chewed up stuff as well as a dog that pushes the limits in other areas .

You are not pushing the dog down; the leash is holding it down. Do that for half an hour at a time each day and it teaches your dog to be calm. Lots of individuals who have a active dog think "oh my god, I have got to take it out for another hours exercise." All you are doing then is giving yourself an amazingly fit dog that needs or hours of exercise a day.
Dog Training Basics On Aggression
What the dog needs to learn is to settle down by your foot. Finally youll be able to take it off the leash and your dog, no matter whether your home, at the office or at a friends house, sits down by your foot and stays here.

Take long of a break from training and your dog will forget, get rusty, and start pushing the limits. Hierarchy changes in a dog pack from time to time. To establish your role as the lead dog, you must remind them whose boss with regular positive reinforcement training sessions.

Training your dog isnt something that is accomplished in a week session at your local pet store. Its a lifelong method. Its about boundaries, repetition, positive reinforcement and recalling to train often.
Dog Training Basics On Aggression
Aggression often stems from a dog thinking they have a higher role in the relatives than they do. Owners often give mixed signals by letting the dog sleep with them, letting the dog set the boundaries like growling when ever someone gets close to their food, defending their toys and even barking.
So, even the most calming dog will sometimes occur to be more aggressive than ever, that is where this dog training basics on aggression behavior would take part in helping out. 
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Puppy Dog Obedience Training Tips

Todays puppy dog obedience training tips - Obedience training is basically training your dog to be obedient. It includes training them the basic commands including: sit, stay, heel, come and so on. Theres basic approaches to obedience training. school of though employs negative reinforcement techniques like choke collars and electric shocks while the other utilizes a simple clicker and rewards. Which do you think works best? Clicker training and rewards, heres why?

Negative reinforcement breeds fear. It makes your dog afraid of you and of others. Fear causes aggression and unpredictable behavior. The results are a dog which bites, destroys your property and barks incessantly.
While negative reinforcement behaviors may work in the short run, they are not predictable. For the best dog training results you need to make sure that the behaviors are predictable and repeatable. 
puppy dog obedience training tips
happy dog obedience training
Dog Obedience Training using a clicker is a training method which makes use of a device, a clicker. The clicker tells your dog the instant its performed an correct or desirable behavior. The sound is their signal that theyve done it right.

Dog training with positive reinforcement creates bond that will last a lifetime and using a clicker is the most effective and efficient device to accomplish the task.

puppy dog obedience training tips
happy puppy obedience training
This clicking sound combined with positive reinforcement like verbal praise and food rewards is an amazingly effective way to train your dog to perform any behavior including sit, stay, heel, fetch, speak, assault, roll over, play dead, lay down and any behavior or trick you can think of. Before you start with clicker training theres some tips to make the most of your clicker training sessions.

Schedule Training
Making training sessions a part of your every day life helps your dog know what to anticipate. Theyll actually anticipate this time with you. In the event you schedule training sessions before meal time theyll be additional motivated to learn the obedience behavior youre trying to train.

puppy dog obedience training tips
happy puppy dog obedience training
Keep Obedience Training Sessions Short
Canines only have countless attention spans when it involves a ball or chasing a cat. Actually, they lose focus for those fun activities . Keep training sessions to around minutes and your dog will be attentive and engaged. Drag the session on long and your dog may lose interest in training all together.

Dont Punish Your Dog for Bad Behavior
This may appear contrary to how training ought to be handled however punishment like yelling, hitting or time outs in their crate actually may cause more harm than nice.
It causes your dog to be fearful, stressed, and destructive. In lieu, fix bad behaviors by rewarding nice behavior. It may take them a small longer to catch on but the rewards are worth it and the training will last. You wont must retrain and retrain and retrain.

puppy dog obedience training tips
puppy dog obedience training tips
Practice Using the Clicker Before You Start Training Your Dog
In case you click after your dog has performed the correct behavior they may not make the association. click when your dog is performing the correct behavior. To be an correct clicker, practice.
A clicker is a simple gizmo, you pinch it and it makes a clicking sound. However it isnt as simple to make use of. Because the sound is the cue to proper obedience behavior it must be correct.

Plan Your Obedience Training
Before you start to train a behavior think about exactly what you require your dog to do. For example if youre training your dog to sit think about the following questions:
What will you do to cue the command? Will you give your dog a verbal cue, a physical cue or both?
How long ought to they sit for?
Would you like the dog to sit in front of you or to sit where they stands no matter where you are?
This is important because you will click and reward for progress toward the final behavior. For example, in case you require your dog to sit on command until you release him theres commands you will teach however your first step is to basically get them to understand the idea of sitting. Every time they sit you will click and reward. Finally, through progression, you will add a cue, a release command and so on until you have achieved the desired result.

Dog Obedience training is important for lots of reasons. It keeps your dog safe. It ensures your dog wont adopt undesirable behaviors like tugging on the leash, leaping on people and begging in the coursework of dinner, not to mention destructive tendencies. It gives your dog structure and expectations which make them feel secure.

It also provides you and your dog quality time as well as a positive owner and dog relationship. Whether your dog is young or elderly, large or tiny, quiet or hyper, obedience training is a positive step toward lifelong dog and owner happiness, lets just make commitment and make sure this puppy dog obedience training tips will help us all ^_^

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Using Leash Training To Your Advantage

When you brought your pet dog home, you had been probably having visions of Lassie, but there have probably been days that you were remembering Cujo more. However, theres still hope! A bit of training goes a considerable ways in reducing bad dog behavior.

In order to train your puppy, it can help when you can think just like a dog. In case your dog will not be doing the standard stuff you teach it, its an easy task to get mad. Try and think how your pet does. Consider how it might be to view the planet inside their eyes. This will offer you a completely different perspective, that ought to help you in training them.

Young puppies are given to chewing on the owners belongings. If he chews an inappropriate item, you are able to address this issue by immediately stopping your puppy. You shouldthen and instead, supply him with the toys that he is allowed to chew. Praise your pet dog whenever you finding him chewing a permitted toy. Remaining consistent with this particular training method will save your best furniture or footwear.

Watch what kind of activities you are encouraging your pet to complete. Sometimes we might perform actions with the dog without realizing they are training those to take steps we dislike. If each and every time your dog chews something up you send him outside, you are teaching him that chewing something up is key for you to get outdoor time. Be mindful together with the actions you are taking, especially ones that are usually consistent practices.

Prepare to administer lessons to your dog repeatedly. Most dogs will not get a whole new command with only 1 or 2 tries. Sometimes it is helpful to focus on 1 or 2 commands every day to ensure via your sessions you might be repeating enough times to repair the commands solidly inside your dogs memory.

Tend not to repeat the command repeatedly just before getting a response, when giving commands in your dog. Through giving the command once and awaiting the dog to respond, you will teach him that you are expectant of the behavior. When the command is not really obeyed at the beginning, show the family pet everything you expect before saying the command again.

It requires many repetitions before your dog can learn new commands. It isnt uncommon for 25-50 repetitions on this same command to use for the dog to comprehend it. Keep teaching it and be patient. The canine will learn with time.

Producing good training your dog involves patience, a and encouragement good reward system. What you should do is set up a quality reward system for while they are doing the best things. Supplementing positive behavior with treats is a wonderful way to start, and over time you are able to train these with another reward system for example affection and compliments. What is important to concentrate on is encouraging them to perform the right thing.

To help you train your pet dog, you must assert yourself as the dominant one in your relationship by refusing to give the dog undeserved attention or food. Whenever you convince your pet dog you manage the show and, furthermore, let the dog recognize you can utilize that power to give it something it wants, your pet dog will obey your commands better.

Be consistent when training your dog. Always give commands utilizing the same words, in the same tone of voice. Know that your pet will not learn commands instantly. You must show him what you would like. As an example, if you want him to discover to make right and left on command when walking, you have to say, "left" or "right" every time you come up with a turn. Eventually, your dog can get you drift!

Never yell in a barking dog. While a barking dog will definitely boost your frustration level, resist the impulse to yell their way. Dogs tend not to understand that you will be yelling their way, and sometimes associate your raised voice as you joining inside the fun of barking. Should your dog is barking, calmly distract these with a toy or treat, and when the barking stops, allow them to have their prize.

It is going to sometimes be counterproductive when you pour excessive information and training into the puppy. Puppies have short attention spans, therefore keep your sessions short and supply ample levels of praise. Should you do excessive the puppy will just forget what you have taught him, and remember it within a negative way, it will probably be harder to aid him ultimately.

Some dogs have enormous reserves of energy that can induce the canine to act crazy through out of the day. For dogs like this a fenced in yard or electric collar fence can be quite a great tool to allow the dog to run around inside a contained area. Your pet could have more exercise and become more enjoyable when it comes inside.

Underestimating the need of good exercise will cramp your dogs training style. Naturally, all dogs must run, chase and play simply to release energy so if they are doing not get enough exercise outside training they are very probably be distracted or over excited and result in the session to get frustrating for anyone.

A fantastic puppy training tip is usually to be perceptive regarding what dog foods and treats your pet dog likes. Exactly like humans, not all the dogs just like the same foods. There are a variety of different dog treats. Try experimenting with different dog treats to find out which ones your pet likes by far the most.

Once you start applying these pointers you will be impressed by the outcomes. Experiment with these guidelines in case you are having problems with the dog.
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Dog Training With Hand Signals

Hand signals can ensure that your dog will obey you even if you cant make yourself heard. Some experts even say that a dog trained on hand signals will more attentive to his owner than one raised without. Here are a few tips below for teaching your dog hand signals.

Train with an assistant.
Because it can be difficult to corral an excited puppy, a friend can help you keep your puppy under control while you are making the hand gesture. For instance, when you make the hand gesture for "sit," your friend can press down on your dogs hindquarters.
Work in an area that is free of distractions.

If you own a puppy, you already know that the least little thing can distract him, but you can mitigate this by working in a quiet, secluded area. If you have more than one dog, it can be a good idea to train them separately.

Develop distinctly different hand signals for each command.
There are many different types of hand signals that you can use. Some of them are quite standard, like the use of a hand, palm down, held parallel to the ground and then lowered for the voice command "Sit." There is no reason, however, not to develop your own signals. As long as they are clearly different from each other and easy to do, your dog should have no trouble recognizing them.

Keep your hand signals consistent.
As with any command that you give your dog, make sure that each hand gesture corresponds to the same requested action each and every time. If you suddenly change gears, there is a good chance your dog will be confused, something that can set their training back quite a bit.

Train with treats.
Dogs are very reward oriented, and while most of them will perform a trick for praise, almost all dogs will work for a treat! When you incorporate treats into the training, you are making sure that your dog receives unquestionably positive reinforcement when he does well. Overtime this can serve to remove any ambiguity from the dogs mind about what the desired behavior is for each command.

Teach simple commands first.
One piece of advice that is often given by expert dog trainers is that your dog needs to learn to heel before anything else should be taught. When your dog can automatically fall into step beside you, you know that he or she is paying attention and is mature enough to handle more complex commands. Because a dog can be taught to come to heel automatically, no hand gesture is usually needed. To start with, put your dog on a choke chain and leash and start walking. By using small, gentle jerks to slow her down if she gets too far ahead, you can teach her to heel in relatively short order.

Teaching your dog hand signals can be a great way to train because it reduces confusion by reinforcing the voice commands. Remember to take it slow and steady and your dog will be following your hand gestures before you know it!

About the Author

Tom Zinovia enjoys writing about dog health and training for the website Please visit our site to enjoy other dog training articles as well as information about complete home training programs. Remember that a well trained dog is a happy dog!
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Do dogs enjoy TV

To entertain my buddy Copper and to help relieve a little of his separation anxiety, I often leave the TV on for him. He really seems to enjoy watching.

News shows seem to be his favorites although he will sit in front of anything and fall asleep eventually.

I really do believe that the modern high definition TVs are easier for the dogs to watch. I do not remember having a dog before HDTV that enjoyed watching TV.

I have always used radio and TV to provide a soothing background noise for anxious dogs while I am away but before HDTV the sound from the TV is what did the trick not the video.

I am curious if any of you have noticed a similar phenomena in your dogs.

By the way, if you have a dog with mild to moderate separation anxiety,  TV and/or radio can help sooth the dog and make him more comfortable.

If your dog is being destructive. or just loud when you are gone, contact me. Copper and I would be happy to  provide you with a great deal of help and direction.

Till next time

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How To Train A Labrador Retriever

We know exactly why people are sometimes stressed by their dogs, believe us, we have been there too, thats why we thought sharing this how to Train a labrador retriever is very important and kind of big for us, because although we said how to train a labrador retriever, as in only labrador retriever in our title, but that doesnt mean this how to train your dog tips only works on your labrador retriever, it just means that it work best for labrador retriever but it doesnt mean that it wont work on other dog breeds, you could just give it a try, it will not harm.

How To Train A Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retrievers are Americas most stylish and cool breed and its easy to understand why. Labradors are great family pets that get along great with children (young people) other dogs and they are easy to train. Like any dog a Labrador should have some basic obedience the act of obeying; dutiful or submissive behavior with respect to another person training.

How To Train A Labrador Retriever
Start training early. Socialize your labrador puppy (dog typically under 1 year old) and start training using positive reinforcement. Socialize your puppy (dog typically under 1 year old) with other puppies, people and different places. The more you socialize your puppy (dog typically under 1 year old) the more stable he will be as an adult dog.

Labradors have lots of energy. Behavior problems can crop up when your Lab has too much pent up energy. Being a very smart breed they need mental exercise along with physical exercise.
How To Train A Labrador Retriever
How To Train A Labrador Retriever
Physical activities include walking, hiking, swimming, hunting, retrieving and playing tug. Mental activities include obedience the act of obeying; dutiful or submissive behavior with respect to another person training, teaching tricks and using toys like the Buster Cube and Kong Toy.
How To Train A Labrador Retriever
How To Train A Labrador Retriever

Here are some more labrador retriever training tips you can incorporate into your training plan:

How To Train A Labrador Retriever
1. Plenty of behavioral concerns are rooted in a lack of companionship, exercise, activity, and discipline.

2. The canine tendency to want a safe den is the main reason why your dog will agree to live inside a crate.

3. House training is basically a set of solutions that aim to help the puppy stop eliminating inside the house and give it opportunities to “go” instead outdoors.
How To Train A Labrador Retriever
How To Train A Labrador Retriever
4. Dogs that are seriously affected by separation anxiety tend to be extremely agitated when left alone. The “physical evidence” of agitation (read: trail of destruction) are indeed strongly obvious when an owner gets home!
How To Train A Labrador Retriever
How To Train A Labrador Retriever
How To Train A Labrador Retriever
Once your Labradors exercise needs are taken care of you can focuson establishing yourself as the leader. Dogs are pack animals and do respond to a social structure. See leadership article in resource section on how to do this.

Some important commands to teach your Labrador are sit, down, stand, stay, come, and heel. Labradors are very excitable and tend to pull in leash. An excellent collar to use is a Gentle Leader head collar. It can really help with walking.
How To Train A Labrador Retriever
How To Train A Labrador Retriever
How To Train A Labrador Retriever
Labradors tend to love retrieving and toys. You can use this to your personal advantage when it comes to training. Any behaviors you reward get stronger and stronger. You can use balls or toys to teach your Labrador to do obedience.

It could be the most important thing yet that to train your labrador retriever, you actually have to be as eager as them, and be as close as becoming like them as you possibly could, or you could actually just read more about how to train a labrador retriever and try out the best methods out there ^_^
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Dog Behavior Problems Solved With Easy Training Techniques

Puppy training is effective for any household with a canine pet for a number of reasons. One, its quicker to have friends and family over without having the dog barking or jumping. Also, they can be more unlikely to eliminate furniture. Read these tips on how to train your dog so that you can live together peacefully.

Enforce every one of the commands you issue in your dog. Do no issue a command on a whim. Should you truly mean it, only provide a command for your dog. This can lead to being forced to repeat your commands. A highly-trained dog should only have to be told once to accomplish something.

If they could possibly pull off not obeying on occasion, dogs quickly learn if you undoubtedly expect them to answer your commands whenever or. Dont send false messages! Dont give your pet dog a command if you do not are prepared to follow-through and insure your dog obeys that command.

Build a bridge involving the dogs reaction to a command and the reward for fulfillment. By saying a bridge word such as "yes" or "good", you will reinforce the behavior is acceptable as well as the reward will follow. Keep by using this bridge word even though training is done being consistent along with your pet.

Your dogs behavior during walks should become habit through consistency. Teach your dog to pay attention to you and your physical clues regarding their behavior. In case you are demanding and leading the eye of your own dog, teaching these to walk with you should come naturally to them. It will be emulated through your pet if you are walking with purpose.

After each workout, spend a short while playing your dogs favorite game with him. Your puppy will be aware of its coming following the training sessions and will be excited when considering time for your daily session if you do this whenever. The greater excited he or she is, the better hell do.

When training your dog, maintain your goals and expectations to your dog reasonable. The same as whenever you try and learn something new, your puppy isnt likely to learn new tricks at the first try you teach them. Different breeds as well as different dogs within the same breed, can have different levels of receptivity towards training.

Ensure you are feeding your pet high-quality food. Behavior issues are often the consequence of poor diet. High-quality dog food has human-grade ingredients as well as an expiration date. Ensuring that your puppy eats a lot of protein and steer clear of giving him "junk" food from the table. A properly-fed dog is a happy, obedient dog.

Try toilet training your dog without there being any accidents. Learn how to read your dog and anticipate his needs. Some clues to watch for are pacing, snuffling and whining. Permit it to out if you notice your puppy achieving this! Head outdoors on the assigned potty spot without delay. Whenever your dog uses the restroom outside, reward her or him with lots of praise. Accomplish this consistently and he will invariably show you when he needs to go outside.

As a way to possess a great dog, you have to learn control and firmness. This does not mean you ought to continually admonish your pet dog. Balance firmness with fascination with best results. Maintaining a suitable balance makes sure that the partnership between you and your dog is strong.

In order to avoid your pet from chewing, you ought to apply a smelly substance on objects your dog will not be designed to chew. Buy some chew toys for the dog: And a few use chewing as a method of releasing stress a result of loneliness, some dogs chew because they are undergoing teething.

One tip to remember when training your dog is the fact it is essential to be sure that your dog has most of his needs fulfilled. Your pet dog will not likely respond well to praise or punishment and definately will be unable to give attention to learning skills, if he is not being well cared for. Be sure to feed him well, shelter him comfortably and hang out messing around with him.

To correctly train your dog, you should be consistent constantly. Never enable your dog to participate in such activities as pulling yourself on walks or jumping around people. Dont ever give into your pets really cute face. In doing so, your pet will end up confused and not determine what is wrong or right in that particular situation and definately will do what he/she wants.

Leaders should go first, and you will teach that in your dog. Should you walk through doors along with your dog rushes past you through the opening, this means there is no need control plus your dog believes he or she is leader. Blocking the door so he cant make it through first, or teaching him to stay or stay whilst you walk ahead, helps him understand he needs to follow and prevent your lead.

Get your dog accustomed to being touched everywhere by petting and touching all his parts of the body. Make sure to include the stomach, toes and feet within the mouth, ears, snout and also the tail. Desensitizing your dog to being touched everywhere, helps train him never to attack a visitor who touches him inside an area he or she is not employed to being touched.

Whether you have a puppy or possibly a dog that isnt well behaved, you will discover strategies to train your furry friend and make it easier to live with one. You can test training yourself, or enroll your puppy inside an obedience school. If youve got a dog you must train, keep in mind tips in the following paragraphs.
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Please dont leave your dog in the car this summer!!

I know it is tempting to leave your dog in the car if you are just making a quick trip into a store or something like that. Please be careful. I very strongly recommend against this even if you have the air conditioning and engine running.

As you can see from the chart, the temperatures inside the vehicle can rise quickly. Even with a window partially open it can get really hot, really quickly.

So, you ask, what is the problem with leaving the air condition and engine running? I realize that with two keys it is easy to lock the vehicle and do this. However, please re-think this as well. Automobile air conditioners work much better when the vehicle is in motion. More importantly, they have been known to fail.

When I lived in the Tampa Bay Area, one of the local Sheriffs did not like dogs inside the offices. He required the K-9 handlers to leave their animals in the patrol vehicle while they were in the building doing paperwork,etc. They always ran the air in the vehicle. Well, one day, one of the air conditioners on a patrol vehicle failed. A poor dog died. Well you would think the simple solution would be to simply allow the service dogs in the building. Well apparently not to this Sheriff. He spent many, many tax payer dollars to outfit all the K-9 vehicles with redundant air conditioning systems in an attempt to prevent another dog death. This has been many years ago. I am not certain if the redundant air conditioners really solved the problem.

So, please be careful with your little guys.

If you see any signs of heat stroke or heat related problems in your dog, please get him/her to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

The Humane Society lists the following as symptoms:

  • heavy panting
  • glazed eyes 
  • a rapid pulse
  • unsteadiness
  • a staggering gait
  • vomiting, or a deep red or purple tongue.

  • If you notice these symptoms in a dog who has been exposed to heat, please take the following actions immediately! :

    After you get him/her out of the heat, do this

    1. Gradually lower his body temperature by applying 
    cool (not cold) water all over his body or soaking 
    him in a cool bath. 

    2. Place cool, wet towels over the back of the neck, 
    in the armpits, and in the groin area. You may also 
    wet the ear flaps and paws with cool water. Direct 
    a fan on the wet areas to speed evaporative cooling.

    3. You may offer fresh, cool water if your dog is alert 
    and wants to drink. Do not force your pet to drink.

    Now get him/her to the veterinarian!

    This is really a serious matter! Many dogs die in cars this time of the year.

    As I have mentioned before, there are many retail establishments that allow well behaved dogs.

    For example:

    Copper and I were blessed to have the company of The Lovely Shane today. The Lovely Shane accompanied us on a Dog Training sales call and a Handyman estimate trip. We also did an errand or two.

    Here are the places that we took Copper today:

     These are new friends of ours. This is a really cool store! I suggest that you all visit when you have a chance! They have fresh baked treats. They can even bake a cake for your dogs birthday! They also have a wide selection of exclusively made in the USA treats and Food.
    And best of all, they really are passionate about adopted/rescued dogs. 

    • Big Lots in Fayetteville, GA 
    • Michaels in Fayetteville, GA
    • Radio Shack in Fayetteville, GA (the one in Hudson Plaza)
    None of these establishments asked us to leave. In fact, I think the staff at each of them enjoyed having Copper in the store.

    As long as your little guys and girls are housebroken and well behaved, there are rarely issues. If you need help with housebreaking or the behavior of your dogs (pulling on leash, etc) please contact me. Copper and I will be happy to help you!

    Till Next Time

    -William -

    William Moore
    William Moore Canine Training

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    Dog Training Train A Dog To Stay

    Dog Training Step by Step Techniques - Train A Dog To Stay

    After you and your dog have mastered the sit and down commands, the logical extension on them is training your dog to stay.

    That is why I like to add the stay command, although some dog trainers think it to be an unnecessary additional command. Their theory being that when they request that their dog sits or goes in to the down position, the dog ought to stay in that position until they are told otherwise. When you give it some thought your sit and down commands are not much value if your dog merely gets in to those positions and then bounces back up straight away.

    For those of you pick to make use of the stay command - read on.

    Milly "Stay" - Nice Girl
    dog training train a dog to stay

    dog training train a dog to stayTraining a dog to stay can be difficult at first. In a way it goes against what your dog is used to (following you around) and also his/her natural instincts (being close to their pack). With this in mind keep the stay command very simple to start with and build on your canines successes slowly.

    One time you have trained your dog to hold a reliable stay in any situation you will find it handy on plenty of occasions. It is a great behavior to request when visitors come to your home, in the event you need to duck inside a shop or in the event you have a dog who likes to bolt out the front door.

    Right lets start - it is a nice suggestion to first train your dog to stay when he/she is calm and not all hyped up - after a walk is a nice time. Your first training session ought to be in a familiar surroundings to your dog, free from any distractions and ought to only last for a couple of minutes.

    Training A Dog To Stay - Step by Step

    1. Put your dog in to the position you would like him/her to stay in (use your sit, down or stand commands) and stand directly in front of him. After about one or two seconds, if your dog is still in the position you requested, give him some praise and a treat. You are rewarding the behavior you are looking for which is a stay, even if it is only one seconds worth to start with. As soon as you give your praise and treat, the behavior is over (this is your signal for your dog to release from his stay) so it is fine if your dog moves off.
    dog training train a dog to stayThen you start the system again from the beginning, this time perhaps hold your praise and treat off for three or four seconds. take it slowly and if your dog breaks out of the stay at any time before you have given him the release command, basically say "aah-aah"! Dont give the treat, but basically start the system again.

    2. The next step is to add a verbal command & hand signal to step one. It goes like this - one time again stand directly in front of your dog & place him in the position you would like him to stay in. Now as soon as they is in the desired position say "stay" & simultaneously hold your hand out in front of you, together with your palm facing out towards your dogs nose (like a cease sign motion).

    Now after waiting a second or praise & reward your dog for staying in this position (sit-stay or down-stay etc.). As was the case in step one you can now repeat this technique over & over, gradually increasing the time between your "stay" command & your praise & treat. What you are doing is building an association in your dogs mind between your verbal "stay" command & the act of staying in the spot.

    3. You have now got the stay command sorted - in it is most basic form anyway.

    dog training train a dog to stayIt is now time to add some other variables & build on it. Plenty of trainers label this proofing stage as the Ds - Period, Distance & Distractions. Up until now (in steps one & two) you have been working in a familiar surroundings free from distractions & you have been standing right in front of your dog. Lets mix it up a small, adding new variable at a time.

    The next challenge you can add to the stay command is to move your training session to a different location, possibly somewhere with a few distractions such as other people or animals. Keep in mind take it slowly & only add new variable at a time. Another lovely idea is to practice your stays anytime throughout the day. For example make your dog "stay" when you go out to collect the mail or "stay" when you are preparing his dinner.

    Start out by issuing your "stay" command together with your hand signal, now take a step backwards, pause, then step back towards your dog. If your dog has remained in his sit-stay or down-stay, praise him & give him a tasty treat. Continue to repeat this technique, gradually increasing the amount of steps you take back - always keep in mind to return back to your dog before you reward him. Keep in mind what it is you are actually rewarding him for (the stay) & if they gets up to move away they should not be receiving a reward or treat.
    dog training train a dog to stay
    Heres another lovely article which shows you how to shape a reliable stay behavior - Stay command using clicker training methods

    A game you can play together with your dog to reinforce the "stay" command is hide & seek. This game is heaps of fun & all you do is place your dog in a down-stay then run off & hide. When you are prepared, sing out your release command & your dog will set off to track you down.

    Note: When training a dog to stay do not keep your dog in a sit-stay for over two or three minutes. In the event you need your dog to stay for longer periods use the down-stay. This could be simple but it is considered the best dog training method as it comes to train a dog to stay.
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    Most Popular Dog Names

    One of the fun parts of getting a pet is picking out a name. In the late 1990’s, Elmo was a very popular name, with kids taking a role in the naming and the Sesame Street character being at the peak of his popularity at the time. Buddy, an ever popular name became even more so with the release of “Air Bud,” a movie about a basketball-playing golden retriever. Disney princesses Jasmine and Arielle have also dubbed their fair share of dogs.
    Other less common dog names have included ones given human names such as Jennifer or Mike.

    While some people enjoy naming their pets something less common, there are several names that have been long-standing classics, and many that have maintained their popularity over the past ten years. According to, a website all about pet names that gathers data based upon the printing of identification tags for tens of thousands of pets, the top ten male dog names in the US of late include: Max, Jake, Buddy, Bear, Bailey, Shadow, Sam, Lucky, Rocky and Buster, while the top ten female dog names are: Maggie, Bear, Molly, Shadow, Lady, Sadie, Lucky, Lucy, Daisy and Brandy.

    Paired dog names are also fun like Laverne and Shirley, Heckle and Jeckle, Romeo and Juliet and Peaches and Cream. Other popular pairs mentioned on include: Back and Forth, Beauty and Beast, Coco and Chanel, Duke and Duchess, Itsy and Bitsy, Lady and Tramp, Mumbo and Jumbo, Sugar and Spice and Zig and Zag.
    Further, some pet owners i know chosen funny names for their pets, including a large bulldog named Tiny, very small dogs named Spike or Killer, a smooth dog named Fluffy and a solid black dog named Spot.
    Whatever name you choose for your dog, it is likely to bring something to mind for you and everyone who meets your pet. Just one of the fun parts of having a pet, naming your dog is a great way to get creative and have that creativity last for many years to come!
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    Disabled vet dog reportedly kicked out of gun store

    Disabled vet, dog, reportedly kicked out of gun store

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    How To Litter box Train A Dog

    Have you ever wondered if it was possible to litter box train a dog? Im here to tell you that yes, it is! Litter box training dogs is best suited for small breeds like a Pomeranian. You certainly dont want a lab going all day in your litter box!

    To begin with, lets take a look at your dog. Obviously if you already have the dog or puppy going outside in a selected area, you may not want to undertake tyring to litter box train them. They may not readily change from a place theyre use to going at.

    Now having said that, I have trained dogs to use litter boxes that had been trained to go outside or on newspapers. Im not saying its impossible, just a little tougher once they get used to going in one area.

    One reason the litter box training a dog or puppy suits the small breeds is because they have such small bladders. Theyre less likely to have "accidents" and its a bonus for them to be able to go whenever they need to.

    Heres a short list of things youll need to get started litter box training your dog.

    1. A dog litter box. Yes, you heard right. A litter box meant for a dog. Purina actually makes dog litter boxes in three sizes, just do an online search for them. Theyll work perfectly for what we need them for. (I should warn you now if you have a Male dog. Just like human males, they sometimes miss the target...if you get what I mean!) If for some reason you cant find it, then get the largest cat litter box you can find. Before you use the cat litter box though, cut the hood off.

    2. Next, choose your litter. I personally do not like the clumping type litter. And yes, they do make dog litter but it isnt necessary. Many people have a concern over the clumping litter because it could harm you dog if he or she ate it. Why take the chance?

    3. Next, youll want a container for the "used" litter. I recycled my sons old diaper pail and dump the used litter into it. What I like about the diaper pail is that its designed to contain odors. You can thank me later.

    4. While youre rounding up the supplies, go ahead and get one of those large litter scoops. Theyre perfect for dogs.

    Now that you have all the essentials of litter box training a dog together, its time to start.

    If this is your first attempt at teaching a dog or puppy to use the bathroom in a certain area, then you have your fun cut out. Just remember, keep a good supply of cleaning equipment handy...and no ammonia products!

    Start by designating one area as the bathroom. Preferably away from their food. Also, you want to make sure its on a hard surface such as concrete, wood or tile. This will make it much easier to clean up.

    To minimize "accidents" outside the bathroom area, close off all other rooms to the dog. His only area where he can be is either with you or in the bathroom area. This is so you can watch him and so he has a direct path to the litter box.

    Should you have to leave the dog alone, make sure you can leave him in the bathroom area or crate.

    When you see the dog showing signs of going, such as sniffing or circling, encourage the dog to go to the bathroom. I use short commands such as "Pee" or "Go Pee". When the dog does use the bathroom, heap praise on them while using the Go Pee command. This will get them so that they know the words "Go Pee" means go to the bathroom.

    If you catch the Pup peeing any other place that the litter box, you want to be stern with him by telling them "NO"! Show a little aggression, anything to get the dog back to their bathroom area. Never hit a dog!

    If the puppy does go on the paper or in the litter box, then by all means reward them with hugs and kisses! When you dog sees you happy and realizes that he/she gets rewarded when going "in that box thingy", theyre more apt to do it. Once they develop a habit of going in the litter box, the rest is history! These are the basics of how to litter box train a dog.
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    How to Stop a Dog Barking and Get a Good Night Sleep

    Perhaps one of the most persistently complained of dog behavior problem is barking. Fortunately, the question of how to stop a barking dog is something that most owners should be able to answer provided they properly understand the underlying causes of this particular type of dog behavior problem, and implement strategies to address it...

    Firstly, its important not to forget that dogs are supposed to bark. Its an inherent dynamic of their psyche, its one of the ways they communicate. Consider this, if someone was entering your back yard with a view to burgling your home, youd want your dog to bark, right?

    However, if your dog barks to a degree which far exceeds need or duty, it is possible to stop dog barking by consistent conditioning, thereby eliminating the unnecessary and often frustrating noise (the part driving you and your neighbors increasingly nuts). By doing so, youll improve your relationship with your pet by being prepared to listen and respond appropriately when your dogs barking response is invoked (not to mention improving your relationship with those suffering needlessly next door). Your goal is to be able to fulfill the dual role of master, and best friend.

    Fear Based Barking

    Most dog barking problems develop during 6-8 months of age, during a period where your dogs barking is more likely to be fear based than protective. The problem is exacerbated in dogs with limited socialization. The less confident your dog, the more likely they are to be prone to excessive barking. Positive experiences and reinforcement of your dogs level of confidence can have dramatic effects on their levels of barking, particularly during this phase of their development.

    Whether your dog is young or older, it is essential that problem or fear based barking is not reinforced by your response to it. You want your dog to feel confident. When your dog displays uneasy behavior (such as shackles risen) its often our natural reaction to try to reassure. We might pat them, and tell them ok, but frequently in doing so we communicate with a slightly concerned tone. We of course are concerned...we want our dog to be calm! But to our dog, they interpret this as us reinforcing that there is something to be fearful of. The best response is to simply and confidently tell your dog theres nothing wrong. Adopt an everything is great attitude, and your dog will follow.

    Assertive/Alert Barking

    Beyond fear based barking is your dogs need to assert themselves as being on alert. Frequently this results in them spending an hour barking like crazy at the garden hose rather than achieving any purposeful watchdog role. This too can be curbed by understanding why it is that your dog is acting this way.

    Your dog understands that its their duty to alert their owners. What they often need to have reinforced is that whilst their job is to alert their owners, barring extreme circumstances, they are then supposed to hand responsibility to responding to any perceived threat over to you. That is to say, youre the leader, your dog is part of your pack, and you must take responsibility for that dominance.

    How do we achieve this? Firstly, give credence to your dogs barking. Take a look why they might be creating a fuss. Dont just tell your dog to be quiet from inside the kitchen, head on out and see whats the cause. It might be a neighbour, it might be the mailman (it really might just be the garden hose). But whatever it is, do your part and see. If your dog persists with barking once their role is fulfilled however, then its not only appropriate but essential that you let them know they are overstepping the line. Youre the master. Once your dog has seen you have assessed the situation, then you should confidently and clearly reprimand them for continuing to bark. Take it one step further. Call your dog over, and with your sitting next to you take hold of their collar with one hand. With your other hand, carefully but firmly place your left hand over your dogs muzzle and press down (be sure the pressure is not uncomfortable). At the same time, issue a single command in a calm but confident voice, such as "Quiet". Dont yell at your dog. They will hear this as similar to a bark and it only serves to reinforce that there is something worth barking at. Its imperative to remember that dogs dont communicate the same way we do. By commanding them to be quiet calmly and confidently, together with imobilising your dogs head with your hand, you are exerting your dominance in a manner similar to that which might be displayed by a normal dog pack leader when silencing a noisy dog. By doing this anywhere up to a dozen times, your dog will begin to associate the command "Quiet" with the need to stop barking.

    You can in fact set up this conditioning without having to wait for situational barking. Find something that triggers your dogs warning barking. It might be knocking on the door for example. After one or two barks, stop knocking and do something to get their attention. As soon as their attention is drawn to you and they stop barking, say "Quiet" or whichever command you have selected, and reward your dog. Positive reinforcement when your dog stops barking can be assisted by aids like food treats. Apply this when first training your dog with this technique, and gradually decrease the use of food treats. You should aim to get to the stage where you can simply pat your dog or say "good dog" or a like comment. Its important to apply this technique only when your dogs barking is unnecessary. As stated earlier, there will be situations where you want your dog to bark, and the bark response is not something you may want to extinguish completely.

    Dog Barking Triggers

    If you cant get your dog to stop barking at anything and everything, attempt to eliminate some of the triggers which set off the dog barking. This might be as simple as removing their exposure to the trigger. For example, put them in their enclosure if a neighbor is expected. Say your dog guards the north side of your fence from the neighbors dog it might seem obvious but remove your dogs access to his post. With the absence of temptation comes salvation.

    If outright isolation from a trigger is not possible, before a barking trigger event occurs (such as the mailman arriving) call your dog and instruct it to sit. Provide your dog with praise and reinforcement for compliance. Better yet, eliminate the trigger as being perceived as a potential threat. Introduce them to the neighbor or mailman, let them give your dog a treat. If necessary, have them start off from afar, and reassure your dog calmly and confidently as they approach. Let them throw treats to your dog, and as they get closer, hand them directly. Engendering loyalty in dogs with your encouragement to others, or by way of controlled exposure to something causing your dog concern, is a great way to eliminate alarm.

    Attention Seeking

    If you cant stop dog barking because your dog wants attention, this requires some more interventionist methods, and the appreciation that your own actions may at some stage have contributed to the problem. Attention seeking barking is a learned response. Like children, dogs find out what works, or what they can get away with, and repeat it. If you let your dog into the house whenever he barks, whenever he wants to get in hell bark. If you try and ignore them, the barking will become more persistent, often to the point of extreme frustration. Worse still, if you ultimately accede to their demands (say at 3am, out of desperation) it only reinforces that persistence results in success. Instead, try waiting for a point where they stop barking, then let them in. For particularly determined barkers, try coupling this with a deterrent, such as a squirt bottle, for more rapid results. Diverting this type of barking behavior may take more time, and success may be gradual, but it is achievable.

    Boredom Dog Barking

    If your dog is barking because they are bored, then your attention to their needs may be the simplest and fastest solution. There are a mass of dog related products on the market which are relatively inexpensive. Chew toys, balls, and a range of other toys can keep your friend occupied until you get home to give them their much needed exercise. Try altering their routine and give them plenty of options to keep them quiet.

    Frequently, being able to isolate your dogs anxieties, needs or motivations is key to achieving that which you both want, which in your case is a happy (and quiet) pet.

    To your success in dogtraining
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    In memory of Sir Charles the Duke of Fayette County our beloved foster beagle

    The Lovely and Awesome Shane with Charlie shortly after he came into our home as a foster.
    It is with great sadness and indeed many tears that The Lovely Shane and I report to you the death of our foster beagle, Charlie.

    Charlie left this life at around 11:30am on May 12, 2014.

    The Lovely Shane and I went to a gathering on the evening of May 10, 2014. When we returned after being away for about three hours, we noticed that Charlie was limping on one of his hind legs. We suspected that he had injured himself in an altercation with one of the other pack members. Sadly, our suspensions were invalid.

    Charlie on one of his favorite beds
    The next morning he was not limping as badly and we thought that he was recovering. We were, once again, mistaken.

    By the evening of May 11, 2014 he could hardly move at all. He was in severe pain. At around 10:30 PM, I contacted the Southern Crescent Emergency Clinic in Fayetteville. I explained my concern for Charlie and the staff at the clinic suggested rushing him there right away. I was planning on doing just that and had contacted the clinic to let them know my intentions so that they could be prepared for his arrival.

    The veterinarian on call, a lady whose name I can not recall, examined Charlie and told me that he very likely had a ruptured disc. She did not have any good news for me. Initially, surgery and/or steroid treatment seemed to be an option but neither would likely provide immediate relief to Charlie.

    Michelle Crampo of BullyWag, Inc. ( The rescue who saved Charlie earlier in his life) was out of town. Since Charlie technically was only our foster, we contacted Michelle in the middle of the night while she was on vacation to inform her of the situation.  Upon discussion with Michelle and the veterinarian, we decided to give Charlie an injection to ease his pain. It worked. Almost immediately, he fell asleep and slept well for a few hours. However, around 2:00 am, he was in severe pain again. The plan was to take Charlie to his regular veterinarian on the morning of May 12 to get a more detailed assessment of his condition and our options for most effective treatment.

    After staying up most of the night with Charlie, I contacted Jonnie Craig of BullyWag, Inc. She aided me in making arrangements for an veterinary examination of Charlie on the morning of May 12.
    Charlie being visited by his buddy, Sammy. This was taken while
    Charlie was recovering from a bout with pneumonia.

    Dr. Chris Schwenk and the entire team at The Animal Medical Clinic in Peachtree City, Georgia are wonderful, caring, and compassionate people. I have been around dogs most of my life. I have to report that this is absolutely one of the most professional and caring groups of animal health professionals that I have ever encountered!

    After the initial examination, an x-ray was done to aid in diagnosis. By the time we got to the clinic, sadly, Charlie had lost all feeling in his back legs. He was paralyzed and in tremendous pain.

    The x-ray image confirmed our fears. Charlie had at least two ruptured discs. I am not a veterinarian, so, I will attempt to convey this as it was explained to me. The material that was ejected from the ruptured disc was pressing against the spinal cord. This was restricting the cord. This is why he was paralyzed. It is also why he was in so much pain. The nerves were being pinched.

    It was explained to me that in cases of paralysis caused by a ruptured disc there is only about a 10% chance of ever recovering from the paralysis after surgery. There is also likely no relief from the pain.

    A painful and distressing decision had to be made. Charlies only sure relief from the almost unbearable pain was humane euthanasia. However, since Charlie was a foster, it was not my decision alone to make. I contacted Jonnie Craig. Along with the veterinarian, we decided that we really had no option here. Charlie had to relieved of the tremendous pain. It was extremely unlikely that he would ever walk again. Fighting back the tears Jonnie and I knew what had to be done.

    There were tears in the eyes of the veterinary technicians and everyone who worked with Charlie that morning, including your dog trainer buddy here.

    I was with Charlie throughout the process. I petted him and told him he was a good dog. Even after I knew he could no longer hear my voice.

    Charlie was a joy to have in our pack here at the Dog Training/Foster Shack. We will miss him. However, we know he is in a much better place and no longer feels any pain. I firmly believe that he is likely chasing rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels and having a great time in heaven right now.

    For those of you who do not believe this in a theological sense. I used to agree with you. I no longer agree. Dogs will be in heaven and I am convinced I will see Charlie again one day. Even Billy Graham seems to believe this as well. I leave you with these quotes:

    “God will prepare everything for our perfect happiness in heaven, and if it takes my dog being there, I believe hell be there.” –Billy Graham

    “The dog is the most faithful of animals and would be much esteemed were it not so common. Our Lord God has made His greatest gifts the commonest.”
    ? Martin Luther

    “There is no faith which has never yet been broken, except that of a truly faithful dog”
    ? Konrad Lorenz

    I Have Done Something

    I looked at all the caged animals in the shelter...the cast-offs of human society.

    I saw in their eyes love and hope, fear and dread, sadness, and betrayal. And I was angry.

    "God," I said, "this is terrible! Why dont you do something?"

    God was silent for a moment, and then He spoke softly, "I have done something," he replied. "I created you."

    -- Author Unknown

    Goodbye my friend , Charlie!


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    4 Effective Tips To Stop Dog Biting Problems

    Are you sick and tired of frequently being bitten by your dog You must stop dog biting now before it gets too late and hazardous!

    Here are 4 basic rules to follow to stop your dog from biting

    Avoid Playing Games That Encourage Biting

    Playing with your dog might be fun, unfortunately if you play the inappropriate games with him, you can in fact be encouraging him to bite. Games such as tug-o-war and wrestling are examples of a play time activity that may cause your dog to think that biting is an acceptable behavior. You should stay away from participating in these types of things or it will be more difficult to get rid of his biting problems.

    Everytime He Bites, Assert Authority And Tell Him No!

    Everytime you are dealing with a puppy, it is natural for him to try out new things and bite each and everything he can. However, if you do not need your pooch to get these habits as soon as he ages, you must try to cease this behavior as soon as possible. Everytime your pup bites, yell in a loud, sharp tone “No!” This will definitely alarm him and make him know that each time he bites he will get startled.

    Follow Through And Enforce Consequences For Biting

    One of the key problems that can cause your pooch to believe that it is an acceptable behavior to bite is if you do not follow through and enforce consequences. It can be difficult to not give your dog a treat or pet him after biting, but by giving in to his cute looks will allow him to believe that he can get away with poor behaviors. So each time your pup engages in behaviors that are unacceptable inside your house, make consequences and enforce them.

    Utilize Bitter Substances Like Bitter Apple To Stop Biting

    When all else fails you may utilize things like bitter apples so your dog can bite on them. By doing so, you will associate him biting with a foul taste inside his mouth which he may dislike. The next time he bites or chews on anything, hopefully he will recall that he will get a mouthful of awful tastes, thus stopping this behavior.

    By following these 4 basic rules, you will be well on your way to stopping your dog from biting and nipping at you and your belongings. Remember that the younger you train your dog not to bite, the easier it will be. So you should begin right now!

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